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 Have you often had that inner knowing that you came to this planet to do something extraordinary


 Do you know deep in your heart your purpose is to help others, but often wonder how? 


 Do you ever feel stuck because you know there is something you are here to do but you don't know what it is


 Or maybe you have an idea, but don't know how to initiate it? 

The solutions are literally hiding in plain sight.


An upper-level educational program for visionary professionals and modern mystic women leading other modern mystic women

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Miraculous change and profound healing are commonplace when you know the language of the universe and use it.

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The Details...

Designed for High Priestess Students in Source Light School who are ready to learn more...

Not your ordinary Mystery School...

Our number one goal is to give you deeper practices to keep you connected with the joy of life. 

  • You will learn the deeper meanings of Sacred Geometry and why it is fundamental for our future.

  • You will literally build a Light Body Structure to help you digest the Light that is coming in now!

  • You will do this and so much more in the Sacred Container of the Priestess.!

Dates and times

Classes meet weekly.  We will begin January  31, 2024 at 7:00 pm Central Time.  We will continue every Wednesday at 7 PM CENTRAL TIME.

All classes will be recorded, emailed to you after class, and stored in the classroom along with extra meditations and handouts.


As we move deeper into the Aquarian Age it is evident that we are going to need new tools to navigate this ever-evolving planet.  Those tools actually live inside your body and we will provide you with NEW WAYS to ACCESS THEM, so your life gets easier, not even more complicated!


Because of the high level of spiritual work involved, I am including Sacred Rhythms and Body Wisdom Boot Camp as free gifts for all those who sign up by January 10!  You need to take care of your physical body so you can run the BIG LIGHT that is coming!

In this extensive program you will deepen your authentic connection to your heart-centered abilities while enhancing all your creative endeavors.

The Source Light Creatrix program is for High Priestesses who want to grow and take responsibility for themselves on all levels and begin to manage their world from their true lotus of power ~ their heart.  By doing this, they know they are planting the seeds of the future...

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"Amazing teacher, healer, and life coach. She follows her heart and offers guidance from a place of unattachment and Love. I have been working with her for over 4 years and my life is all the better and I wouldn't have been following my heart so strongly now without her guidance and help. Blessings to you all, human tribe! It's all in Divine order."

Anna Clary

In this program you will learn...

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Sacred Geometry Training

Inspired by:


  • Ancient Esoteric Teachings and Traditions


  • Practical Personal Training


  • Experience using Sacred Geometry as a tool for Spiritual Growth


The goals of this approach include:


  • Increasing awareness the use of the Platonic Solids as Divine Information Thoughtforms - "packed thoughtforms from the Mind of God"


  • Extending Your Capacity to transform through awareness


  • Using free will to improve life experience.

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  • We work with our spiritual essence, higher self, guidance, and spiritual purpose for physical life.


  • Our aim is to expand and deepen our experience as spiritual beings in human bodies.


  • We seek a path where ego transforms from self-service to service of Spirit.


  • Our focus is on living a life motivated by connection rather than separation.


  • We embrace both negative and positive experiences as fuel for spiritual growth.


  • Earth connection and ceremony are vital elements of our holistic path to the Sacred.


  • We welcome and encourage all religious and spiritual traditions as sacred paths to a common destination.

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Energy Work
  • In energy study, we consider the physical, energetic, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels of being.


  • Our model of health is multi-dimensional.


  • We focus on the auric field, your core Source Light Point, energy systems, intentionality, and spiritual essence.


  • The healing power of an open heart is paramount in our work.

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Therapeutic Healing Work

We blend various methods, skills, and teachings from renowned healers and our own collective experiences.


Much of our practice will revolve around reconnection with all 12 of your dimensional light bodies.


Our techniques evolve with our teachings.

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Practical Life Skills

Our unique courses prepare students for Shining Their Light in a chaotic world.


If you need tools to make your day-to-day life work, this program will facilitate that now.


If you want to create a new business or a new life, we aim to help students be prepared in living from the heart and creating a life that serves them and humanity.

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Applied Skills
  • High Sense Perception Training through Re-Connection to Source Light


  • Source Light Energy Field Anatomy & Regulation


  • Physical and Energetic Anatomy


  • Staying Connected to your Source Point at all times


  • Energizing, repairing & balancing yours and others Energy Fields


  • Releasing emotional compaction in Source Light Energy Field


  • Meditative Realignment & integration


  • Vibrational Healing


  • Opening to & receiving guidance

Students learn self-awareness and psychodynamics for personal growth and as a tool for working with others. Source Light School and Light Infusion Therapy explore psychospiritual disharmony and promote new health-enhancing energy flow. Regular Light Infusion Therapy regulates auric disharmony, while consciousness work integrates understanding into daily life.

Source Light Priestess goes beyond basic Source Light School teachings, delving into the mechanics of why this works, why we need to be doing it and teaching it now, and concepts, modalities, and integration techniques related to heart-centered living.

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"I was AMAZED at how keeping things bottled up inside of me could do so much damage to my body. It is an eye opener for me. I suffer from Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia/Anesthesia Dolorosa. I've had it for 15 yrs now and after only 3 session with Kathy I'm on less medication and narcotics then I have in over a decade."

Debbie Reed

Go deeper with...


About your coach, Kathy Forest...

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In 2002, Kathy Forest left the corporate world to pursue her dream of using her knowledge of the natural world to help others. With prior success running a non-profit and doing freelance contractual work, Kathy was confident in her ability to succeed in any venture she chose. She established herself as a healer, ceremony leader, and retreat mentor and coach, earning the love and praise of her clients.


However, Kathy struggled to support herself financially and spent 20 years and thousands of dollars on coaching, without seeing results. Despite her success in her work, she was constantly worried about money and never knew how to grow her business. Every morning she woke up with a sense of dread in her stomach, plagued by worry.


Now, Kathy Forest can proudly say that those days of struggling are over. She has found the key to success by combining all that she had learned over the years. By turning on the shamanic power tool of her body and tapping into the unified field of creation, as well as using the Earth's system of business creation, and combining that with smart money practices and solid marketing strategies, Kathy was able to have her best financial year ever.

This system continues to replicate and grow itself, bringing Kathy's income to a 6-figure level this year. In her program, Kathy offers everything she has learned, including the ceremonies, coaching, and practical business tools. She is confident that this system will work for others as well and is excited to share it with everyone.

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