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Inside your body

is all the energy you require to live your vision...

So exactly what is...


Light Infusion Therapy...


The earth told me once, "I don't need more stuff...I need more Light."  By Light, she meant life force, Prana, Chi...that kind of Light is what everything is made of, all of nature, everything you can see and touch is made of this kind of Light.  But where do you get it?  How do you generate it?  Where does it come from and how can we get more of it?


The truth is that it lives right inside your body!  Your body is a Life-force Light generator.  We have all heard it said that everything we need is right inside of us and that is exactly the truth.  We have access inside our bodies to all the life force energy we or this planet could ever need and more.  We just may not have learned how to access it.


Light Infusion Therapy is a tool we can use to not only access an unlimited supply of this light, but a way to make adjustments in our life and direct our outcomes.  


It can also help us equip our bodies to hold and process more of the Galactic Light that is beginning to bathe this planet.



Light Infusion

can help you heal, direct your outcomes, and clear your home of dark energy!

How it works...


In order to access this life force within you fully, you must be working in full cooperation with the purest part of yourself...your soul.


Within the safe container of a healing session, a Light Infusion Therapist assists you in


  • Evaluating exactly the area of your life you want to focus on;

  • Connecting to yourself at soul level; and

  • Directing and distributing the energy appropriately


This process can be done in person, online, or over the phone.


When doing this process on your home, there will be a consultation, the house will be cleared, and then there will be a follow-up phone call with the results.  Homes are checked for Light Quotient Levels and presence of any darker energies, both before and after.

The Benefits...

  • Pain reduction and/or elimination.

  • More energy.

  • More control over life choices.

  • More excitement and joy in your life.

  • Life gets easier.

  • Life Transformation and Support.

  • A total uplevel in your body and environment.

Light Infusion can also
clear your home!

With all of the atmospheric chaos of 5-G and the thinning of the electromagnetic field of the planet, our homes have become a great hiding place for negative energies that cause chaos and low vibrational energy in our homes.  This can cause us to feel lethargic, out of sorts and just plain grouchy.  Light Infusion Therapy can clear your home and raise its vibration immediately!

Get Started Now...

Once you have made your payment, click here to make an appointment:

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